New Born: Celebrating Kosovo’s 16th Independence Anniversary with a Message of Freedom and Unity

On Kosovo’s 16th Independence Anniversary, the iconic New Born monument is set to convey a positive message, emphasizing freedom of movement after visa liberalization. Sporting the ‘7 Skies’ logo, this year’s rendition of the monument, commemorating Kosovo’s Independence, will feature symbols of European countries accessible visa-free to Kosovar youth in 2024—departing from the political tones of previous years. ‘7 Skies’ also represents the seven letters of the monument, adorned with images of European cities and recommended landmarks for future visits. The sky above these letters will transition in hue, mirroring the solar cycle from dawn to dusk.

The Newborn Monument stands as a captivating typographic sculpture and prominent tourist destination in Pristina, Kosovo. Positioned in front of the Palace of Youth and Sports, this landmark was inaugurated on February 17, 2008, coinciding with Kosovo’s formal declaration of independence from Serbia. Comprising the word “Newborn” in bold capital letters, initially painted a vibrant yellow, the monument has undergone subsequent transformations, featuring the flags of nations that have recognized Kosovo. Notably, it was declared during the unveiling that the monument would undergo annual reprintings to commemorate Kosovo’s independence movement anniversary.

Artist: Fisnik Ismaili

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